Marty Weintraub is a well-known establishment at digital marketing conferences throughout the world. He joined us all the way from Minnesota and dropped some real social media knowledge on DMC.
Marty's DMC presentation was focused on both Facebook advertising targeting AND organic social. He talked about everything from layering your targeting inside of Facebook Ads Manager to LinkedIn Sales Navigator hacks.
Targeting on Facebook
First, Marty spoke about the current capabilities an advertiser has at their disposal on Facebook's platform. One of Marty's favorite targeting capabilities is that of behaviors (AKA purchase affinities). "Behaviors are complex data objects." Marty shared. What makes behaviors so complex? They represent the capturing and analysis of multiple data points into a fairly reliable persona.
Among the other Facebook targeting tips, he mentioned the importance of custom audiences. For best results, Marty uses custom audiences as his root audiences. To identify the best performing audiences, Marty ads targeting layers on top of his custom audience and employs custom creative for each audience segment. However, "Specificity is the enemy of scale (and budget)" Marty warns. So don't go overboard with segmenting and creative iterations.
For more information on what you can target, not just on Facebook, but on all major social media platforms, check out this killer resource:
Facebook & AdWords
Want to use data from AdWords to make your Facebook campaigns better? Marty recommends exporting your negative keywords from AdWords and importing them into Facebook as an exclusion layer of targeting. This keeps you from running ads to people who don't truly meet your target audience's psychographics.
A Few Organic Tactics
While Marty is hyped on Facebook's advertising capabilities, he acknowledges the other side of the coin: organic social. As a guide for his organic social media tactics, Marty asks "What if you had no budget? How would you drive results?"
One tactic Marty likes is the use of forums. Many brands or products have enthusiast forums and Marty has had a lot of luck joining them. Over-anxious marketers might want to hop on a forum and start promoting their product right away. Instead, Marty cautions to "Be a native in a native land — Do not spam, at least not at first ;-)" For best results, you need to add value. Answer questions about the complexities of your product and earn their trust.
Finally, Marty is a big fan of LinkedIn. LinkedIn has unbeatable B2B capabilities and can easily connect you (your personal profile) to prospective customers easily. Instead of using LinkedIn Premium, Marty recommends LinkedIn Sales Navigator. It makes it easier to see who's looking at your account and easier to track their activity!