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The Utah DMC Blog

3 Types of Remarketing with Quora Ads

When it comes to advertising, I love remarketing. First off, you can target very specific
audiences. These are audiences that have been to your website, maybe you have their email list,
and as a way for you to then go a little further and be cost-effective with your advertising. When
you're targeting an audience that's already warm to your brand you're going to get higher
conversion rates, better ROI and you're going to be able to build your brand.

Topics: digital marketing utah DMC Guest Post quora Remarketing

DMC Blog Recap: Social Media Tips and The Emergence of Quora as a Powerful Digital MarketingTool

This last Wednesday I had the opportunity to attend a Digital Marketing Collective conference, Gettin’ Down with Social. We got to hear from two experts in the field: Haley Fields, CEO of Orenda Marketing, and JD Prater, the Quora Evangelist as he was referred to in his bio. As one that is not very involved in social media marketing, it was interesting to dive into that realm as an SEO specialist and pick up some helpful tidbits to better understand the target market and the potential customer base.

Topics: digital marketing utah Event Recaps social media DMC quora