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The Utah DMC Blog

Google’s New Free Shopping Ads and What It Means For You - May 20, 2020 [Event Recap]

Presented by Kirk Williams

Topics: Event Recaps ecommerce Google AdWords

Jeff Sauer | Utah DMC Conference Recap – August 2019

Saving Hours with Google Data Studio [DMC Recap]

Jeff Sauer is the Founder of Data-Driven, agency owner, business coach, blogger at Jeffalytics, lecturer, and a digital nomad. A firm believer in data-driven marketing, Jeff’s work has been featured in many industry publications and "best of" lists. Jeff has had 15,000+ digital marketers enroll in his Google certification programs. He has delivered over 100 keynote presentations and workshops in 20 countries.

Topics: digital marketing utah Event Recaps strategy Google DMC google data studio

Google Scripts & Intent-Based Remarketing Audiences - July 2018

5 Powerful Google Scripts

Robert Brady, Founder of Righteous Marketing, was the first speaker of the evening. Robert shared with us 5 powerful scripts that solve 5 common problems, that any digital marketer could implement today. These scripts only require copy/paste into an account.

Topics: Google AdWords

Trends & Changes in 2017 PPC with Ginny Marvin [DMC Recap]

Ginny Marvin joined the SLC|SEM Back to Digital Marketing conference from Third Door Media where she serves as the Associate Editor over paid media coverage. Her presentation was a fascinating overview of the trends that will define the future of SEM and what these changes mean for the marketing community.

Topics: ppc SEM trends Ginny Marvin Google Google trends DMC