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The Utah DMC Blog

Facebook Video Ads & Marketing Mix for High Growth - April 2018

Establishing a Marketing Mix for High Growth Stages

Topics: paid search social media advertising video marketing paid social advertising

Driving Leads & Conversions with Facebook & Instagram - February 2018



Topics: social media social media optimization social media advertising paid social

Psychographics in Social with Marty Weintraub [DMC Recap]

Topics: social media advertising DMC2017 marty weintraub

[Recap] Hacking Facebook & YouTube - January 2017

Cory Henke - Hacking YouTube Advertising to Drive Results

Cory, an expert in Facebook and YouTube advertising, took the stage and shared a few key insights into the YouTube platform, and why it’s an effective vehicle for reaching your organization’s audience.

Topics: Event Recaps social media social media advertising

[Recap] From Search to Social - April 2016

SEM-ers from the Wasatch Front were treated to two fantastic presentations last Wednesday. Keeping with recent trends we were able to snag both a local and a national expert, this time tackling both paid search and social media advertising.

Topics: Blog Event Recaps ppc automation paid search social media advertising