Our Guest Presenter: Christina Garnett
On August 4, 2021, Utah DMC had the pleasure of welcoming Christina Garnett to our online live event. Christina is in charge of Offline Community & Advocacy as senior marketing manager at HubSpot. She joins us with a lot of experience, from being featured in HubSpot courses and ebooks to speaking at national events like Adapted Digital Media Summit and INBOUND19.
This was Christina's first time presenting for the Utah Digital Marketing Collective, and we were thrilled to have her here to present: Fostering Connection and Brand Love: Building Communities and Fandoms!
Doc and AJ had a blast on this live broadcast with Christina, and now we are thrilled to share the opportunity for you to learn from her insights via this recap and event replay. (Note: This post is a high-level recap. At the end of this post you can watch the entire replay of the event with audience Q&A, as well as download her full presentation deck from the BrightTalk interface.)
Let's Get Started...