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The Utah DMC Blog

The 6 Secrets of Sales and Marketing Innovation for Rapid Growth with Dwight W. Holcomb - August 18, 2021 [Event Recap + Replay]

Our Guest Presenter: Dwight W. Holcomb

Here at the Utah Digital Marketing Collective, we strive to educate, engage, and elevate digital marketers wherever they may be located. We have online presentations twice a month to do just that. On August 18, 2021, we had the privilege of learning from Dwight W. Holcomb, the CEO of HC Development.

Dwight is the author of the #1 bestseller The Lean CMO. He’s a member of the Forbes Business Council and the host of the C-Suite Network show SaaS CEO Success TV.

This was Dwight's first time presenting for the Utah Digital Marketing Collective, and we were thrilled to have him here to present: The 6 Secrets of Sales and Marketing Innovation for Rapid Growth. Luckily for us, he ended up sharing a lot more than just six secrets. 

Doc and AJ had a blast hosting Dwight on the show. Keep reading for our recap of the event—but be aware that Dwight offered a lot of great content that you can only access by watching the full replay. (Note: This post is a high-level recap. At the end of this post, you can watch the entire replay of the event with audience Q&A, as well as download his full presentation deck from the BrightTalk interface.)

Let's Get Started...

Topics: Event Recaps marketing video marketing strategy digital marketing Sales Growth

Making Your Content Go 50 Times Further: How To Repurpose & Amplify Content - October 21, 2020 [Event Recap + Replay]

Dennis Yu is becoming a resident voice on the Utah Digital Marketing Collective scene, and as always, we are lucky to have him present to our attendees.

As the CEO of BlitzMetrics, a digital marketing company which partners with schools to train young adults, Dennis focuses a lot of his time on making connections, learning from the best, and finding ways to be relevant and persuasive to the younger audiences that he works with.

In this session, Making Your Content Go 50 Times Further: How To Repurpose & Amplify Content, Dennis brings along a counterpart: Tristan Parmley. The two share common perspectives and solutions in this organic conversation that actually centers around (surprise, surprise) video content. In this webinar, their passion for video and authentic engagement through content comes through so strong, it's palpable.

Topics: Event Recaps video marketing content marketing

Paid Social Ad Creative: How to Drive Conversions Online with Video Ads - September 16, 2020 [Event Recap + Replay]


In our ever-evolving digital world, consumers are inundated with tons of advertisements. How do you stand out from the crowd, especially when you have just a mere three seconds or less to attract and engage?

This is the pivotal question paid social expert Savannah Sanchez dissected during this online Digital Marketing Collective presentation. As both a Facebook Marketing and Snapchat Ad Partner, Savannah shared her knowledge on the creative strategies for putting together social video ads.

Topics: Event Recaps video marketing paid social

Facebook Video Ads & Marketing Mix for High Growth - April 2018

Establishing a Marketing Mix for High Growth Stages

Topics: paid search social media advertising video marketing paid social advertising

Play Wild Within Video with West Barnell [DMC Recap]


Topics: Event Recaps video marketing West Barnell

Amy Schmittauer | DMC 2016

Produce Your Authority: How to Create Video That Builds Brand Influence

Amy currently produces a YouTube series known as Savvy Sexy Social, which helps rising stars achieve greater social connections and increase brand awareness by promoting action, productivity and strategy in business and life. Amy’s journey to where she is today started with the idea to make a video for a wedding. As a bridesmaid, Amy decided that she would compile short videos of the bride’s friends wishing her congratulations along with videos from the bride’s past. When she played that Windows Movie Maker-made video at the wedding, Amy said, “I had their emotions in the palm of my hands for 5 ½ minutes”.

Topics: Event Recaps video marketing DMC2016