Brad Geddes opened up DMC 2016 with his training on Advanced AdWords. Geddes is the official Google AdWords Seminar Leader and has conducted more than 60 officially Google-supported AdWords Seminars for Success.
by Bryan Phelps, on Sep 21, 2016 5:45:04 PM
Brad Geddes opened up DMC 2016 with his training on Advanced AdWords. Geddes is the official Google AdWords Seminar Leader and has conducted more than 60 officially Google-supported AdWords Seminars for Success.
by Bryan Phelps, on Sep 9, 2015 4:01:15 PM
We did it! SLC|SEM pulled off our first all-day digital marketing conference. We had an awesome time connecting with Utah’s digital marketing community and we hope to make this an annual event. A huge thanks to everyone who made this possible—attendees, sponsors, SLC|SEM board members, and of course our outstanding speakers. One of our favorite parts of the day was seeing the variety of attendees. Some were SEOs, some were business owners, some were social media gurus, some were UX developers, but everyone was invested in digital marketing in one way or another. It was an important reminder that our industry thrives on these diversified skill sets. We all have something to bring to the table.
by SLC|SEM, on Aug 25, 2015 7:50:59 PM
8:00 am
Breakfast & Networking (Patio Lounge on 3rd Floor)
9:00 am Welcome
9:30 am Keynote Speech by
Cyrus Shepard (Main Ballroom)
10:30 am
Scott Baird (Main Ballroom)
Luciano Pesci (Big Leap Meeting Room - 2nd Floor) Garret Stembridge / Jordan Kasteler (Content Hook Meeting Hall - 3rd Floor)
11:15 am
Matt Siltala (Main Ballroom) Jana Francis (Big Leap Meeting Room - 2nd Floor) Rick Galán (Content Hook Meeting Hall - 3rd Floor)
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
Keynote Speech by David Locke (Main Ballroom)
2:00 pm
Mike Templeman (Main Ballroom) Rob Johnson / Dallin Price (Big Leap Meeting Room - 2nd Floor) Jessie Mamey (Content Hook Meeting Hall - 3rd Floor)
2:45 pm
Chris Dayley /
Bryant Garvin (Main Ballroom)
Dustin Nay (Big Leap Meeting Room - 2nd Floor) Sam Fonoimoana (Content Hook Meeting Hall - 3rd Floor)
3:30 pm
Expo Time (Keynote Prep)
3:45 pm
Keynote Speech by Duane Forrester (Main Ballroom)
4:30 pm
Keynote Speech by Lee Odden (Main Ballroom)
5:30 pm
Cocktail Hour & Live Concert by Foreign Figures
7:00 pm END
by SLC|SEM, on Aug 17, 2015 8:59:04 PM
Haven't Registered Yet? Registration Closes Soon -
Click Here to Reserve Your Seat.
by SLC|SEM, on May 26, 2015 10:55:44 PM
by SLCSEM, on Dec 11, 2014 8:02:23 AM
by SLCSEM, on Oct 22, 2014 9:18:50 PM
We invite you to our next event, Wednesday, November 19, 2014
by Devin Doxey, on Oct 7, 2014 7:59:47 PM
We all know a great event starts with having a great crowd. Amazing food with an open bar isn’t a bad idea either. We’ve got the food & drinks covered, but we want your help with providing the crowd. Please share this event and invite your colleagues to join us!
by Devin Doxey, on Sep 15, 2014 7:09:42 AM
by Devin Doxey, on Aug 15, 2014 11:43:03 AM
This is where you find event recaps, guest blog posts, and other newsworthy items from Utah DMC.