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The Utah DMC Blog


Recent Posts by kacieeugenia819:

SLC|SEM Event Put Spotlight on Video SEO As Part Of Marketing Strategy

January was the start of a new year and a new chapter for the SLC|SEM meetings, complete with a new venue,
The Leonardo. The Leonardo is an art+science+technology museum nestled in the middle of Salt Lake City with a gorgeous view of the cityscape, creating a perfect backdrop for discussing cutting-edge SEO topics.

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November Event Recap: 5 Takeaways For Content Teams & SEO's

On November 16, 2011, SLC|SEM members from all around Utah converged on 
Hotel Monaco for the inaugural members-only event. The excitement from the 60+ members in attendance was contagious as they greeted old friends and made some new ones.
With Marshall Simmonds (
@mdsimmonds) of
Define Media Group as the keynote speaker and presentations by local members & experts Rob Johnson (
@robkellas) and Aaron Wester (
@aaronix), of
Deseret Digital Media, we all knew to get our note pads ready. In case you missed the event, I wanted to give you five takeaways I gained from these awesome speakers.

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